2024 Racial Justice Symposium
Our 5th Annual Racial Justice Event was Saturday, February 24th, 2024: Disparities in Maternal Health Symposium at Hamilton Park UMC in Dallas. We presented this for the whole community and had many guests that were not UWFaith members.
Texas ranks 49th in the nation for women’s health and thirty percent of women here receive no prenatal care in the first trimester. Who finds that acceptable? Why do women of color and their infants experience a disproportionately high risk of avoidable deaths? Experts explained the reality of this preventable tragedy and the policy and cultural barriers responsible. Together attendees discussed how they can all advocate for change.

Speakers were Dr. Kristen Priddy, Dr. Kyrah Brown, TX House Representative Toni Rose and Bee Moorhead from Texas Impact.

Resources from this event (slides, resource list and video) are at https://uwfnorthtexas.org/maternal_health_24