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Abide: 2024 Mission Project

The North Texas Leadership Team chose Abide for our Mission Project because it addresses the focus of our 2024 Racial Justice symposium: the Disparities in Maternal Health here in North Texas.

Abide Women's Health Services is a Black-led maternal justice organization and perinatal clinic. Abide exists to improve birth outcomes in communities with the lowest quality of care by offering healthcare and complimentary services that are easily accessible, holistic, evidence-based, and free from judgment. To learn more about, Abide visit their website at

Abide is working to: 

  • Reduce maternal and infant mortality rates

  • Increase the number of Black midwives

  • Reduce pre-term birth rates

  • Increase babies' birth weights

  • Increase breastfeeding 

Click on the blue to learn more and take a virtual visit to Abide's clinic:
• Abide Clinic Walk-Through video 
(< 5 min.) with Abide's founder and CEO Cessilye Smith  
• Abide's Station 4 video 
(< 1.5min.) with Abide's Lead Midwife about how she serves clients and their families. 
2023 Annual Report, 54-pages. Just published and full of great info and pictures. 
Hear Abide's winning Pitch on Instagram, May 2, 2024 

Speaker Availability -  Arrangements are being made to have Cessilye speak soon at a District or Conference event. The Abide staff is busy helping clients and not available to speak to local groups. Contact Gia at Abide with your questions. 

Your donations will help Abide significantly impact more families across the DFW area. With your support, Abide plans to continue expanding their clinical services, including birth services, and enhance appointment availability at their Easy Access Clinic. Additionally, they are thrilled to extend their reach by offering services through their new mobile unit, a unique brick-and-mortar on wheels. Choose to support this 2024 mission project with a financial gift, items on their Amazon Wish List, items chosen and bought locally, or layette items you create by hand. 
--> See below for item details and links.

Financial support is always the #1 need!

Funds will be used to purchase dopplers to be used by midwives to assess fetal heart tones in our renovated clinic space and the mobile unit. Our medical assistants and providers will utilize the blood pressure cuffs and corresponding stands to monitor our clients' blood pressure at every appointment, which is key in prenatal care.

  • Make your monetary gift online here.
  • Write a check to NTC UWF with "Abide" in the memo line and mail it to our Treasurer, Lela Luxen. Contact Lela for her address so you can mail her your check. 

You may shop online, in local stores, or make items to support the clinic and their clientele. 

  • Purchase items on Abide's Amazon Wish List. Once you've chosen and bought your gifts, please send a copy of your confirmation email or a screenshot of your purchase to Joyce Whiteley, our E & I Coordinator at (you'll need to copy her email address).
  • Create or purchase items locally to donate items for Baby, Mommy, or the clinic in the attached form. Please fill out the form with quantities to accompany the donation items when you deliver your bundle. 

Note: If donations exceed the needs and/or storage capacity of Abide, our collected items will be distributed in a timely manner to other agencies in North Texas addressing the maternal health crisis. 

If you have any questions about this project or delivering items, please contact Joyce Whiteley.  


11379*_*2024 MISSION PROJECT DONATIONS for Abide Women's Health Services